Dear Ones,
I have always been a writer and in recent years have chronicled my journey with my sister, Mary Mallette, throughout her original diagnosis in 2015 with Breast Cancer and 2019 diagnosis of AML due to her exposure to chemo and radiation from the Breast Cancer. As you all know, she died on July 7th after a VALIANT fight and a LIFE WELL LIVED AND WELL LOVED.
Part of my self care and therapy is writing and I have picked up our abandoned story from 2015 entitled, The Grief Sister. I had to put it down, because real life was too hard and the choices I made were to stay in ALL the moments we had together.
I am now writing a screenplay or an adaptation of our story together, It is fictionalized. I said originally it was about death and dying, but my mentor disagreed. She says it is a love story; about women and how we love one another. It is particularly a love story about two sisters and I have to say now, I agree. I also cried when they told me this was how they saw the story. One of hope, one of humor (Dear God, M2 was THE funniest person I have ever known!!!) one of grace and grit and intentional love and respect.
Every Day Is A Day,
Be Swift and Make Haste,
Love, Love Love
